PC-ACE Pro32 Training Modules

Published 03/13/2023

Palmetto GBA is pleased to announce the availability of updated Web-based PC-ACE Pro32 training modules for Part A, Part B, HHH and Railroad Medicare providers. PC-ACE Pro32 is a complete, self-contained electronic processing system for health care claims submission and management. This claims entry software does not integrate into office systems, such as accounts receivable, inventory or billing. Pro32 provides you with the ability to enter patient, claim and procedure file information while creating summary reports of the claims you submit electronically.

These training modules are designed to address the basic information you will need to know to submit a claim electronically using PC-ACE Pro32 billing software, as well as instructions on submitting Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) claims. The following training modules are available:

If you have any questions regarding PC-ACE Pro32, please call the Palmetto GBA Provider Contact Center at 877-567-7271.

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